
2013 – Free Nutrition Education Course Offered

Denise1Denise Durocher, Nutrition Advisor for Bingham County, is teaching a free, 8-week nutrition, food safety and physical education course called Eating Smart – Being Active.  This course is being offered by the University of Idaho Extension Family and Nutrition Education Program.  Lessons provide participants with valuable information and ideas on how to eat healthy on a budget, how to plan grocery shopping and meal preparation to save money and how to incorporate easy exercises to maintain their health. The course includes special attendance incentives as well as a certificate of completion.

The classes are held on Tuesday nights, in association with the CDT dinners.  They start at 5:45 PM and run for approximately 45 minutes.

Denise has a Paraprofessional Nutrition Certification from Utah State University. She is currently licensed as a Licensed Practical Nurse for the state of Idaho. Denise taught for over 10 years in a variety of settings which include Bonneville High School, Lincoln High School, and EITC. All these classes were Health Occupations I classes for CNAs. She taught cooking classes for about 10 years as a Demonstration Kitchen Specialist at the Pocatello Demonstration Kitchen. These classes were taught at many locations from BYU-Idaho to the Eastern Idaho State Fair and North Bannock County Fair. Denise has worked at EIRMC and Blackfoot Medical Clinic as an LPN. She is also an Advanced Master Gardener in Bingham County and has lived in Blackfoot for 15 years.

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