
Recognition Dinner 2018 – Two Board Members Depart

The annual CDT recognition dinner was held April 18th with thanks being given to all the volunteers that helped throughout the past year.  Also recognized and thanked were the many corporate and philanthropic organizations that help keep CDT running and providing for so many in the community.

At the dinner two of the founding board members were recognized for the service given over the past decade.  Ron Thompson, who with Lee Hemmett developed the original concept for CDT, will be leaving the board as he prepares to serve an LDS mission with his wife Mindy.

Dale Christiansen, who also helped organize what would become CDT, will be leaving the board as he and his wife Susan also prepare to serve a mission.  Dale will be replaced by Randy Shiosaki who was present at the dinner.  Ron’s replace is current being determined.

We will certainly miss both Ron and Dale on the board, but look forward to Randy and Ron’s replacement as they prepare to take on these new responsibilities in our community.





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