Christmas Food Boxes 2020

Monday, December 21st cars were lined up in 3 rows at the Eastern Idaho State Fairgrounds as they waited for the distribution of the Christmas food boxes to begin. Because of covid-19 precautions, the distribution was a bit different this year – drive through only. But due to the generosity of so many in our local community, we were able to share much needed food with financially challenged in our community.

There was a lot of food to distribute, but a well organized effort behind the scenes made it flow pretty smoothly. Boxes of non-perishables were prepared for distribution ahead of time.

Bags of fresh produce and other perishables like eggs were bagged up that day (thank you, Grasmick Produce Company for your donation and for staying to help with unloading other things!):

Donations of turkeys (thank you Blackfoot Heritage 6th Grade School for your donation of 150 turkeys and over $8500 in cash, and thank you Tadd Jenkins for your donation of over 100 turkeys and hundreds of pounds of food), potatoes (thank you Liberty Gold Potoato Company), and other foods were lined up outside in the cold, ready to be handed out:

Volunteers each had their assignments for loading food into the cars as they streamed through:

We are so grateful to all of those who donated time and food to enable all in our local area to have a very Merry Christmas!

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